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Geng Chen



CSTQB资深专家,CSTQB工作组组员,ISO 29119中国镜像工作组副组长。担任过多家世界500强跨国公司测试经理,质量保证部门经理。十多年从事嵌入式软件开发及架构设计,白盒测试,灰盒测试,测试管理。主要从事与开发结合的软件测试工作,在自动化测试,设计和编码阶段的测试工作上有着丰富的经验。帮助多家企业的开发团队建立起设计阶段的测试过程,实施质量管控和提高,从而将产品上市周期缩短20%到30%。 在自动化测试方面,正在负责基于模型的测试(又名模型驱动的测试)的国际标准起草工作。

Mr. Chen, the deputy leader of the CSTQB ISO29119 WG, has worked as test manager and QA manager for several multinational cooperations that ranked in fortune Top 500. With more than 10 years’ experience in software development and architectural design, white box test, gray box test and management, Mr. Chen now works on software testing combined with developing and have rich experience in automated testing, testing in design and coding stage. He has helped numerous corporations establish testing process, quality control and improvement, which makes the develop cycle range shorten by 20% to 30%. In automated testing, Mr. Chen explores the methods and practice in computer-aided test analysis (Model Based Testing).